For Sale:

Advertiser Supported Online Publication with Massive Traffic

Asking Price: $725,000

This business is the leading specialty home theater publication in the marketplace today, with a high monthly readership of over 700,000 readers, 59,000 opt-in fresh email names, dominant social media metrics and a loyal client base that features blue chip manufacturers.

Advertisers are extremely loyal to this publication, and a new owner will inherit nearly $200k of future contracts, not to mention an advertiser list that consists of the absolute biggest names in the industry. This business boasts several blue chip advertisers that have booked ads in every month of its publication.

This is a very fun business to own and has given its current owner a lifestyle that would make most people envious. Take a look today!

*****As a quality listing that felt represented a good fit for its subscribers, this listing is presented in partnership with an outside brokerage firm.   Interested parties that have a signed NDA on file with Website Properties will be contacted by the Partnered Brokerage Firm directly.  

Financial Overview
Gross Revenue $493,969
Cash Flow $239,700
Archive Date 03-23-2015
Status Archived
Year Established 2008
Employees 2FT, 13PT
Inventory 1
Other Information
Category Authority/Information Portal
Industry Internet
Location USA, Minnesota (Dakota)
Home Based Business Yes
Seller Finanacing Available Yes
Income Sources Advertising/PPC/Adsense
Interested? Let's get in touch!