Recently Sold! – Men’s Health AdSense Content Website

Asking Price: $25,000
Description is a premium generic domain name with content website generating revenues through AdSense. The site has a ton of great content (500+ articles), longevity online and generates small monthly ad revenues on autopilot. Prior to the Google Algorithm update in 2019, was generating about $12k per month! While the site was significantly impacted by the latest Google update, it continues to generate revenues of a couple of hundred dollars per month. With new SEO work, it can be readily turned around and has great future growth potential.

Key Benefits:

  • Premium Generic Domain Name
  • Website with Tons of Great Content
  • Ad Revenues
  • Popular and Growing Sector – Health/Men's Health
  • Longevity Online – 2003
  • Historically Huge Traffic

Financial Overview
Gross Revenue $2,400
Cash Flow $0
Archive Date 02-25-2020
Status Archived
Year Established 2003
Employees 0
Inventory N/A
Other Information
Category Advertising Directory/AdSense
Industry Health, Wellness and Fitness
Location USA, California (Orange)
Home Based Business Yes
Seller Finanacing Available No
Income Sources Advertising/PPC/Adsense
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